Healthy Tips for Better Sleep

Hayward Score identifies the major issues in your home that can impact your health and gives you personalized actionable recommendations to fix them!

What is Hayward Score?

Hayward Score identifies the major issues in your home that can impact your health and gives you personalized actionable recommendations to fix them!

Did you know that one-third of your life is spent sleeping? Sleep ultimately makes you happier, healthier, and safer. According to the American Psychological Association, getting an extra 60-90 minutes of sleep each night increases the ability to concentrate, enhances the immune system, and strengthens memory. But it isn’t just the hours of sleep that’s important; it’s the environment in which you sleep in as well. Your body should be able to regenerate in a bedroom that is clean, healthy, and free from sleep disruptors.

Why Sleep is Important for Adults

During the night your brain goes through wave cycles, which flush the chemicals you’re exposed to in the day. Your immune system wants to reset itself, but it can’t do this if your sleep is impaired. Prevented from doing so long-term, this may lead to inflammation. Sleep also supports healthy brain function in adults, which means quality sleep at night equals better productivity during the day.

Why Sleep is Important for Children

Good sleep is critical for children as it impacts both their physical and mental development. Lack of sleep has been linked to a decline in cognitive function, meaning your child may have difficulty paying attention in school or develop behavioral issues. Sleep helps your child regulate their emotions. For more tips for better sleep at each stage of your child’s development, visit the Sleep Foundation here.

A Healthy Indoor Environment is Necessary for Healthy Sleep

To get you started, here is Hayward’s list of tips for better sleep, starting with creating an indoor environment with minimal dust, chemicals, light, electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and noise.

Minimize Dust

Some dust at home is inevitable, but you can take steps to minimize it. It is especially problematic for the health of people suffering from allergies. Learn how to reduce dust in your home with the following cleaning tips for better sleep:

EXPERT TIPS FOR BETTER SLEEP: Don’t over humidify the bedroom. Keep your relative humidity (RH) below 60% (this helps to make sure your dust doesn’t turn into food for mold!) However, to make sure you aren’t introducing allergens into the bedroom if you use a  humidifier, make sure it is cleaned weekly.

Minimize Chemical Exposures

Minimize Light and EMFS

Minimize Noise

Noise is one of the biggest disruptors of sleep. However, resolutions like shutting windows and doors can come with their own problems, like decreased airflow to your bedroom.

For more tips on better sleep, read part one of this blog here.

Hayward Score can help you discover what may be going on in your home in minutes! Simply answer a quick set of questions about your home developed by our healthy home experts, then get a personalized list of action items designed to help you address issues in your home. Start transforming your home today! Get your Hayward Score now.

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Joe Medosch
Joe Medosch
Hayward Score Healthy Building Scientist Joe Medosch has almost 30 years of experience as a contractor and 10 years as a master trainer with expertise in home performance, particularly in health and energy-efficiency. His proficiency includes building science & diagnostics and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) assessments. He has served on numerous committees developing industry standards including: RESNET Standard 380, Equipment Sub-Committee, and BPI multifamily standards development.
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