Environmental Pollutants and Breast Cancer: How to Limit Exposure

Once disputed as a contributor to breast cancer, environmental pollutants are now known to play a significant role. According to...

Hayward Score Staff | October 20, 2019

What Chemicals are in Your Dust?

People tend to think that household dust is merely an unsightly nuisance… However, what we call “dust” is really a...

Hayward Score Staff | September 16, 2019

The Problem with Petri Dishes (for Mold Testing)

When you notice or suspect mold somewhere in your home it isn’t uncommon to want to test your home and get some concrete...

Carl Grimes | September 4, 2019

Quick Tips for a Healthy Dorm Room

Heading back to college? Here are some tips on keeping a healthy dorm room! Thinking about indoor air quality is probably not the...

Hayward Score Staff | August 23, 2019

Removing Mold Odor From Car Ventilation

The first clue that something may be off with your car’s ventilation system is usually odor. A “musty” odor typically...

Joe Medosch | August 13, 2019

Houses are filled with chemical additives. Here’s how to find...

From the Washington Post (8/1/2019) By Roy Furchgott It is nearly impossible to avoid chemical additives in your home — they...

Hayward Score Staff | August 2, 2019

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Indoor Air can be more poluted

did you know

Indoor air can be 5x more polluted than outside affecting allergies, asthma, concentration, sleep quality and more.


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