Why Bother With a Clean Crawlspace?

While not as sexy as solar panels on the roof or a remodeled bathroom, a clean crawlspace can significantly increase the...

Alex Stadtner | May 3, 2019

Stormy Outdoors, Sick Indoors

Cold, stormy days may keep the family indoors – sometimes even without power!  While it may be a great day to catch up...

Dana Sundblad | January 21, 2019

Minimize Moisture Indoors During the Winter

Thanks to Jeff May, May Indoor Air Investigations LLC for some of the content in our post.   Winter Moisture Minimizing Tip #1:...

Dana Sundblad | January 8, 2019

Test for Moisture, not Mold!

We’re tackling another mold misconception — this time around mold testing! There are thousands of blogs, articles,...

Carl Grimes | November 7, 2018

Stormy Outside, Sick Inside: How to Stay Healthy During a Storm

Cold, stormy days may keep the family indoors – sometimes even without power! While it may be a great day to catch up on...

Carl Grimes | October 30, 2018

Beyond Flooding: What to do About “Minor” Water Damage

Even if your home has been spared from acute flooding, what seems like “minor” water damage from leaks and other...

Carl Grimes | August 30, 2017

Tackling Flood Clean Up Yourself

Flooding is one of the most disastrous things that can happen to a home. There are often health risks from sewage that may...

Hayward Score Staff | August 29, 2017

Dispelling Mold Myths

The internet is loaded with information about mold from hundreds of different sources. If you have done your due diligence and...

Carl Grimes | June 2, 2017
Indoor Air can be more poluted

did you know

Indoor air can be 5x more polluted than outside affecting allergies, asthma, concentration, sleep quality and more.