After the Flood: What Should You Do About “Minor” Water Damage?

‘Tis the season for summer storms. After a flurry of hurricanes in the Mexican Gulf, Tropical Storm Barry has led to flooding,...

Hayward Score Staff | July 31, 2019

Cleaning up After A House Fire

From our friends at Healthy Building Science (Alex Statner, 10/18/17): The October 2017 California Fires in Northern California...

Dana Sundblad | October 20, 2017

Must Watch Advice: What to do Post-Flooding

This video from HUD featuring Claudette Reichel, Professor, Housing Studies at Louisiana State University offers some of the best...

Dana Sundblad | September 4, 2017

How to Hire a Contractor after a Disaster

Homes and buildings with water damage from hurricanes and floods should be dried within 48 hours to prevent mold contamination....

Carl Grimes | September 4, 2017

Beyond Flooding: What to do About “Minor” Water Damage

Even if your home has been spared from acute flooding, what seems like “minor” water damage from leaks and other...

Carl Grimes | August 30, 2017

Tackling Flood Clean Up Yourself

Flooding is one of the most disastrous things that can happen to a home. There are often health risks from sewage that may...

Hayward Score Staff | August 29, 2017
Indoor Air can be more poluted

did you know

Indoor air can be 5x more polluted than outside affecting allergies, asthma, concentration, sleep quality and more.