6 Steps to Minimize Dust at Home

Dust is a common sight in any home, and it naturally gathers on top of shelves, tables, or counters as the days pass. It can be...

Hayward Score Staff | July 1, 2019

Managing Asthma Through Integrated Pest Management

Pests: A Common Asthma Trigger Pests can range from a nuisance to a serious health concern. They can carry disease-causing...

Hayward Score Staff | June 26, 2019

Ask An Expert: Duct Cleaning

Ask an Expert is an occasional feature where we pose a question submitted by readers to our Healthy Home Director Carl Grimes and...

Hayward Score Staff | April 5, 2019

Decluttering for a Healthy Home

Tidying is having a(nother) moment right now in part due to Marie Kondo’s new show on Netflix. The new show has pushed people...

Dana Sundblad | February 28, 2019

Could cleaning be impacting your breathing?

For many people, a clean house equals a healthy house. But could cleaning actually be impacting your health in a negative way?...

Dana Sundblad | April 12, 2018

Household products contribute as much air pollution as automobiles

Did you know? Everyday products such as perfume, skin lotion, hair spray, deodorant, household cleaners and lawn pesticides are a...

Dana Sundblad | February 28, 2018

Skip the Softener

Fabric softeners come with a lot of promises – soft, fresh-smelling clothes, free of static and wrinkles, along with less...

Dana Sundblad | November 15, 2017

Can you Save a Flood Damaged Carpet or Rug?

The short answer is probably no. Wet carpets from clean water like from pipe leaks can be cleaned if the carpet itself is clean....

Carl Grimes | September 13, 2017

Drop the Kitchen Sponge

“Cleaning” your kitchen sponge sufficiently enough to get rid of ALL of the bacteria is a very tall order....

Dana Sundblad | August 14, 2017

Chemicals in Your Household Dust May Be Linked to Obesity

Some chemicals in household dust may lead to obesity, according to a new study by a team of scientists from Duke University and...

Dana Sundblad | July 18, 2017

Clean More or Less?

Cleaning must be more – and less – than we’ve been taught.  Cleanliness may be next to godliness for...

Carl Grimes | June 27, 2017

Clean Doesn’t Smell!

What do you think clean smells like?  Lemons? Tropical bouquets? Ocean breezes?  Bleach? Here is what clean should really smell...

Carl Grimes | June 14, 2017

Can plants clean your indoor air? Not really.

While some green plants can help you breathe a little easier, they aren’t going to do much to mitigate the unintended side...

Dana Sundblad | June 9, 2017

Clean Up How you Clean Up!

Keeping a clean house is important. Not only does your home look better, but keeping dirt, dust, and grime off surfaces helps to...

Dana Sundblad | May 3, 2017

5 More Things to Improve Home Health Today!

Since you spend about 90% of your time indoors, the air you breathe inside is really important - especially if someone in your...

Dana Sundblad | March 13, 2017

Resolve to Make your Home Healthier in 2017

Resolve to Make Your Home Healthier in 2017 The new year is the time when many people make resolutions to get healthier.  In...

Dana Sundblad | January 7, 2017
Indoor Air can be more poluted

did you know

Indoor air can be 5x more polluted than outside affecting allergies, asthma, concentration, sleep quality and more.