Quick Tips for a Healthy Dorm Room

Heading back to college? Here are some tips on keeping a healthy dorm room! Thinking about indoor air quality is probably not the...

Hayward Score Staff | August 23, 2019

Houses are filled with chemical additives. Here’s how to find...

From the Washington Post (8/1/2019) By Roy Furchgott It is nearly impossible to avoid chemical additives in your home — they...

Hayward Score Staff | August 2, 2019

After the Flood: What Should You Do About “Minor” Water Damage?

‘Tis the season for summer storms. After a flurry of hurricanes in the Mexican Gulf, Tropical Storm Barry has led to flooding,...

Hayward Score Staff | July 31, 2019

Heal Your Home (and Yourself)

Hayward Score’s Bill and Adriana Hayward are featured in the July/August issue of HauteLiving SF!  Read about how their...

Dana Sundblad | July 25, 2019

The Health Impact of Scented Candles

For many people, home decor wouldn’t be complete without scented candles. But these ubiquitous home items have a darker...

Hayward Score Staff | July 22, 2019

Finding a Healthy Rental: 10 Things To Look For!

Moving is stressful enough without having to worry whether conditions in your newly rented home might impact your health. While...

Hayward Score Staff | July 10, 2019

6 Steps to Minimize Dust at Home

Dust is a common sight in any home, and it naturally gathers on top of shelves, tables, or counters as the days pass. It can be...

Hayward Score Staff | July 1, 2019

Managing Asthma Through Integrated Pest Management

Pests: A Common Asthma Trigger Pests can range from a nuisance to a serious health concern. They can carry disease-causing...

Hayward Score Staff | June 26, 2019

Preparing for Wildfire Season

In many parts of the United States, especially California, wildfires pose a significant threat. What was once a four-month fire...

Dana Sundblad | June 5, 2019

Ask an Expert: Asbestos

Ask an Expert is an occasional feature where we pose a question submitted by a reader to our Healthy Home Director Carl Grimes...

Hayward Score Staff | May 15, 2019

Why Bother With a Clean Crawlspace?

While not as sexy as solar panels on the roof or a remodeled bathroom, a clean crawlspace can significantly increase the...

Alex Stadtner | May 3, 2019

Ask An Expert: Duct Cleaning

Ask an Expert is an occasional feature where we pose a question submitted by readers to our Healthy Home Director Carl Grimes and...

Hayward Score Staff | April 5, 2019

Vacuuming Isn’t One Size Fits All

When it comes to vacuuming, one size does not fit all. But how to choose a vacuum cleaner appropriate for your household...

Dana Sundblad | March 28, 2019

Healthy Tips for Better Sleep

Did you know that one-third of your life is spent sleeping? Sleep ultimately makes you happier, healthier, and safer. According...

Joe Medosch | March 25, 2019

A Mother’s Fight for a Healthy Home

I’m Dr. Adriana Hayward, and I am a survivor of an experience that I think every mother should be aware of. Even as a doctor...

Adriana Hayward | March 21, 2019

Is Your Dishwasher Impacting Your Indoor Air Quality?

The short answer is yes. Unbelievably, the labor-saving device that we count on to get dishes, glasses, pots, and pans clean...

Dana Sundblad | March 4, 2019

Decluttering for a Healthy Home

Tidying is having a(nother) moment right now in part due to Marie Kondo’s new show on Netflix. The new show has pushed people...

Dana Sundblad | February 28, 2019

The Great Construction Dust Up

Construction dust can be a real nuisance. Few activities add as much dust to a home as a construction. Even minor remodelling...

Carl Grimes | January 28, 2019

The Basics of What Makes a Home Healthy

At Hayward Score, we often get asked: “What makes a home healthy?”. The truth is this can be a complicated question to...

Carl Grimes | January 24, 2019

Stormy Outdoors, Sick Indoors

Cold, stormy days may keep the family indoors – sometimes even without power!  While it may be a great day to catch up...

Dana Sundblad | January 21, 2019

Minimize Moisture Indoors During the Winter

Thanks to Jeff May, May Indoor Air Investigations LLC for some of the content in our post.   Winter Moisture Minimizing Tip #1:...

Dana Sundblad | January 8, 2019

Choosing The Right Air Filter For Your Furnace

The Best Ways to Keep Air in Your Home Clean One of the best ways to keep the air in your home clean is to use high-efficiency...

Joe Medosch | December 13, 2018

The Truth About Scented Candles

The Impact of Fragranced Products For many people, home wouldn’t be the same without scents from candles, room sprays,...

Dana Sundblad | December 3, 2018

Is Indoor Air Worsening Your Asthma?

What is Asthma? Asthma is a serious, sometimes life-threatening chronic respiratory disease that affects the quality of life for...

Dana Sundblad | November 30, 2018

Christmas Tree Chemicals You Didn’t Know About

While your Christmas tree probably doesn’t need a warning label – bringing either a real or artificial Christmas tree...

Dana Sundblad | November 23, 2018

Breathing Well During Wildfire Season

Reviewed: September 29, 2019 In many parts of the United States, wildfires can cause widespread damage and impact health. The...

Dana Sundblad | November 14, 2018

Stormy Outside, Sick Inside: How to Stay Healthy During a Storm

Cold, stormy days may keep the family indoors – sometimes even without power! While it may be a great day to catch up on...

Carl Grimes | October 30, 2018

Our Homes, Our Health: A Positive Energy Podcast!

It’s normal these days to pay attention to what we eat. But what about the steady diet of air we breathe and soak ourselves...

Dana Sundblad | April 19, 2018

Could cleaning be impacting your breathing?

For many people, a clean house equals a healthy house. But could cleaning actually be impacting your health in a negative way?...

Dana Sundblad | April 12, 2018

Ask an Expert: Getting Rid of “New” Construction Smell

Ask an Expert is an occasional feature where we pose a question submitted by a reader to our Healthy Home Director Carl Grimes,...

Carl Grimes | March 5, 2018

Staying Healthy This Winter, Starting With Your Home

Did you know? Americans spend most of their time indoors, especially during the winter. Research shows that in some cases indoor...

Dana Sundblad | November 28, 2017

“Toxic Black Mold”: The Truths (and Myths)

Some truths and myths about “toxic black mold”. We believe the best starting point for a healthy home is knowledge!...

Carl Grimes | November 27, 2017

Skip the Softener

Fabric softeners come with a lot of promises – soft, fresh-smelling clothes, free of static and wrinkles, along with less...

Dana Sundblad | November 15, 2017

Air Pollution: Our Bodies Feel the Difference

"The list of diseases linked to air pollution is growing." This was the headline for a recent article in Science News....

Carl Grimes | September 26, 2017

Must Watch Advice: What to do Post-Flooding

This video from HUD featuring Claudette Reichel, Professor, Housing Studies at Louisiana State University offers some of the best...

Dana Sundblad | September 4, 2017

Beyond Flooding: What to do About “Minor” Water Damage

Even if your home has been spared from acute flooding, what seems like “minor” water damage from leaks and other...

Carl Grimes | August 30, 2017

Power Out? Use Generators with Caution!

In the wake of disasters, people who lose electricity often turn to fuel-powered devices to cool or heat their homes or cook...

Dana Sundblad | August 29, 2017

Pregnant Women and Children Most at Risk from Exposure to Flame...

You may love nothing more than relaxing on the sofa after a long day or curling up on your mattress to sleep at night....

Dana Sundblad | August 17, 2017

Ozone 101

Recently, a lot of “ozone air purifiers” have appeared on the market. They promise a safe and effective way to clean...

Carl Grimes | August 16, 2017

The Facts About Ozone

Using ozone to purify the air – for reducing odors, chemicals, and even mold and mycotoxins (as some insist) – continues to...

Carl Grimes | August 16, 2017

Chemicals in Your Household Dust May Be Linked to Obesity

Some chemicals in household dust may lead to obesity, according to a new study by a team of scientists from Duke University and...

Dana Sundblad | July 18, 2017

Research shows Owners’ and Renters’ Healthy Home Concerns

Yesterday we mentioned research by the Joint Center for Housing Studies (2016) that explored what caused people to think that...

Dana Sundblad | July 6, 2017

Study Reveals What Brings Healthy Home Issues Top of Mind

A 2016 research study from the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University explored healthy home concerns...

Dana Sundblad | July 6, 2017

Remodeling’s Next Big Trend: Fresh Air

According to Maria Mendez writing for Remodeling,  the next big trend in home remodeling might be one that homeowners...

Dana Sundblad | June 26, 2017

Clean Doesn’t Smell!

What do you think clean smells like?  Lemons? Tropical bouquets? Ocean breezes?  Bleach? Here is what clean should really smell...

Carl Grimes | June 14, 2017

Can plants clean your indoor air? Not really.

While some green plants can help you breathe a little easier, they aren’t going to do much to mitigate the unintended side...

Dana Sundblad | June 9, 2017

Dispelling Mold Myths

The internet is loaded with information about mold from hundreds of different sources. If you have done your due diligence and...

Carl Grimes | June 2, 2017

Are You Feeding Your House Mold?

Nobody intentionally wants to encourage house mold growth! But you may be doing things that not only lets mold sneak into your...

Carl Grimes | April 25, 2017

Make How you Cook as Healthy as What you Cook

For many people, cooking “healthfully” means choosing hormone-free dairy products, organic vegetables, and beef raised...

Dana Sundblad | April 4, 2017

5 More Things to Improve Home Health Today!

Since you spend about 90% of your time indoors, the air you breathe inside is really important - especially if someone in your...

Dana Sundblad | March 13, 2017

5 Things to Improve Home Health Today!

The air you breathe is as important as the food you eat to keeping your body and mind healthy. There are lots of easy things you...

Dana Sundblad | March 1, 2017

Avoiding Endocrine Disruptors in your Home

Many people are aware of the benefits of keeping what they eat and drink free of chemicals, including pesticides, mercury, and...

Dana Sundblad | February 2, 2017

Keep Healthy Home Fires Burning

For many people, a bright, crackling, wood fire is as much a part of the fall and winter season as hot apple cider and a cozy...

Dana Sundblad | January 15, 2017

Resolve to Make your Home Healthier in 2017

Resolve to Make Your Home Healthier in 2017 The new year is the time when many people make resolutions to get healthier.  In...

Dana Sundblad | January 7, 2017
Indoor Air can be more poluted

did you know

Indoor air can be 5x more polluted than outside affecting allergies, asthma, concentration, sleep quality and more.