The Problem with Petri Dishes (for Mold Testing)

When you notice or suspect mold somewhere in your home it isn’t uncommon to want to test your home and get some concrete...

Carl Grimes | September 4, 2019

Removing Mold Odor From Car Ventilation

The first clue that something may be off with your car’s ventilation system is usually odor. A “musty” odor typically...

Joe Medosch | August 13, 2019

Heal Your Home (and Yourself)

Hayward Score’s Bill and Adriana Hayward are featured in the July/August issue of HauteLiving SF!  Read about how their...

Dana Sundblad | July 25, 2019

Stachybotrys Isn’t Always Black!

The most common misunderstanding – and fear – about mold is around a specific mold often incorrectly referred to as...

Hayward Score Staff | April 22, 2019

Ask An Expert: Mold Color

Ask an Expert is an occasional feature where we pose a question submitted by readers to Healthy Home Director Carl Grimes and...

Hayward Score Staff | April 19, 2019

Ask An Expert: Minimize Mold Risk After Wet Weather

Ask an Expert is an occasional feature where we pose a question submitted by readers to our Healthy Building Scientist Joe...

Hayward Score Staff | April 10, 2019

Ask an Expert: Bleach and Mold

Ask an Expert is an occasional feature where we pose a question submitted by a reader to our Healthy Home Director Carl Grimes...

Hayward Score Staff | March 20, 2019

Ask an Expert: Can spraying chemicals remove mold?

Ask an Expert is an occasional feature where we pose a question submitted by readers to our Healthy Home Director Carl Grimes and...

Hayward Score Staff | March 4, 2019

Stop Growing Your Mold!

How does one stop mold growth in their homes? Mold spores are everywhere, both indoors and outdoors. Not only is it impossible to...

Dana Sundblad | February 4, 2019

Minimize Moisture Indoors During the Winter

Thanks to Jeff May, May Indoor Air Investigations LLC for some of the content in our post.   Winter Moisture Minimizing Tip #1:...

Dana Sundblad | January 8, 2019

Test for Moisture, not Mold!

We’re tackling another mold misconception — this time around mold testing! There are thousands of blogs, articles,...

Carl Grimes | November 7, 2018

“Toxic Black Mold”: The Truths (and Myths)

Some truths and myths about “toxic black mold”. We believe the best starting point for a healthy home is knowledge!...

Carl Grimes | November 27, 2017

Can you Save a Flood Damaged Carpet or Rug?

The short answer is probably no. Wet carpets from clean water like from pipe leaks can be cleaned if the carpet itself is clean....

Carl Grimes | September 13, 2017

Must Watch Advice: What to do Post-Flooding

This video from HUD featuring Claudette Reichel, Professor, Housing Studies at Louisiana State University offers some of the best...

Dana Sundblad | September 4, 2017

How to Hire a Contractor after a Disaster

Homes and buildings with water damage from hurricanes and floods should be dried within 48 hours to prevent mold contamination....

Carl Grimes | September 4, 2017

Beyond Flooding: What to do About “Minor” Water Damage

Even if your home has been spared from acute flooding, what seems like “minor” water damage from leaks and other...

Carl Grimes | August 30, 2017

Tackling Flood Clean Up Yourself

Flooding is one of the most disastrous things that can happen to a home. There are often health risks from sewage that may...

Hayward Score Staff | August 29, 2017

Editorial: Comments on CDC’s Fungal Awareness Week

The Centers for Disease Control  (CDC) has declared August 14-18 as the first Fungal Disease Awareness Week. Their stated...

Carl Grimes | August 15, 2017

Dispelling Mold Myths

The internet is loaded with information about mold from hundreds of different sources. If you have done your due diligence and...

Carl Grimes | June 2, 2017

Are You Feeding Your House Mold?

Nobody intentionally wants to encourage house mold growth! But you may be doing things that not only lets mold sneak into your...

Carl Grimes | April 25, 2017
Indoor Air can be more poluted

did you know

Indoor air can be 5x more polluted than outside affecting allergies, asthma, concentration, sleep quality and more.